Saving Families Through Healing Generational Wounds

 Let love flow in your life and all your precious relationships.

I’m Nur Ambreen, and it is my mission and purpose to help the families of today and tomorrow through my work with men to guide and facilitate the inner work necessary for them to release invisible wounds, false identities and self repression to embody the best version of themselves.

Through my years of family constellation work, I have seen first hand the traumas and wounds that have been passed down through generations. With the cultural shifts that are happening in today’s society more pressure is being put on men than ever to fill roles and behave differently than they have in the past - and most weren't given a frame of reference on what these expectations even look like.

While men are often stereotyped as being out of touch with their emotions, closed off and unwilling to change, their side of the story needs to be heard as well.

In the past a man's role was to protect and provide for his family, and the matters at home were handled by women.  Men have actually evolved to disconnect themselves from their emotions and distance themselves from families because of conditioning, societal expectations and the hard realities they had to endure.

Those times of imminent threats and danger, the need to hunt and gather food, travel long distances for years at a time for trade, have long passed, but the primal DNA remains and the idea of what it means to be a man has been reinforced, passed from father to son for generations. Living up to these expectations has always been difficult.

On the other hand, women have been the primary caregivers of their children, they’ve maintained every aspect of the home since the beginning of time. Motherhood is ingrained in their DNA. And it can be hard to understand why and how men struggle with modern expectations when women have carried this load for so long.

The evolution of what it means to be a man is rapidly progressing, and that leaves men in a tough position-- not knowing their rightful place in the family fold.

Today, increasingly, men are home with their families everyday and play a pivotal role in the upbringing of their children, they support their wives in their own pursuits, while still holding the deep seated need to provide and protect their family and be the “man of the house.” 

This is why I am devoted to supporting men to heal and move beyond their invisible wounds, so that they be fully themselves and leave their unique influence and legacy of healing for future generations.

"I Always Lean My Heart As Close To Your Soul As I Can"


Are you a man who is searching for support and healing that is real, transformational, and “not therapy”, then you were meant to find me.

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  • Med Counselling Psychology
  • Gestalt Therapy
  • Satir Marriage and Family Therapy
  • Bert Hellinger Family Constellations
  • Core Belief Engineering
  • Energy Healing
  • Sufi Spiritual Healing
  • Shamanic Healing
  • Aromatherapy


At the age of 31, my life started again

Prior to that year, I was a bystander in my own life – in my career and my relationships. My survival mode and defense strategy was to try to figure out what other people expected from me, adapt and provide! People pleaser par excellence.

Then my marriage imploded. It was the wake-up call I needed to realize this fundamental fact. If I had any hope of having the life and love I REALLY wanted, I needed to put myself at the centre of my own universe and live my soul mission.

As a passionate people person, teaching, counselling and supporting people with their life issues is my life purpose and privilege. My specialty is getting to the source of clients’ relationship conflicts with family members which are often at the heart of emotional pain, anxiety, depression, stress and overwhelm. My expertise is helping people permanently resolve their problems at the source.

A thirty-year career as a secondary teacher of English and Social Sciences, has kept me honest, open, self-reflective and increasingly empathetic about our humanity. I have taught Parenting, Anthropology Sociology Psychology and World Religions. Alongside teaching, I have worked as a counsellor, healer, mediator, speaker and workshop presenter over the last twenty years.

I have also created and facilitated workshops and professional development programs for NGO’s, educators and administrators in Ontario, Canada and organizations overseas. Through this work I have gained extensive experience in community services, management, supervision and working with diversity in community building.

My formal education, training, and experience in holistic psychotherapies is grounded in Gestalt Therapy and Satir Transformational Family and Marriage Therapy. Additionally, Core Belief Engineering, Family Constellations, Shamanism, Spiritual Healing, as well as several energy healing modalities and my own soul guidance, reinforce my belief that we humans are spiritual beings having an earthly experience.


My Approach to Counselling


My approach is humanistic, holistic and locates the individual within their family system, ancestral lineage and singular soul and spiritual light connected to the Infinite.

We are greater and more profound than the sum of our individual aspects. Over the years, the synergy of all my education, trainings and experience has led me to hone a unique process which connects with the deeper intelligence within us and goes well beyond traditional talk therapy to get to the root of any problem, whether in the area of family, intimate relationships, work, health or finances and resolve it once and for all.

Soul to Soul Counselling integrates mind, body, and soul, to transform what was experienced as a debilitating issue into a strength and resource deep within yourself.

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Benefits to

Working with Me 


The most important benefit you will attain is to remember, recover and reclaim your essential self. When you are connected to yourself and your soul’s guidance, you have the internal resources, calm, clarity and confidence you need to live life authentically and make your satisfying contribution in the world.

My work and life experience have shown me that our pain, conflicts and difficulties in life are primarily the result of a disconnect from our essential self and soul guidance. We are all conditioned by our society, culture, family and primary caregivers — mother and father. Unfortunately, for many, the conditioning is detrimental to healthy growth and development.

Life lives through all of us and despite the best upbringing, life brings challenges and experiences which may be wounding.

Life can be overwhelming and debilitating without the support necessary to live an authentic and fulfilling life.

Family and friends all have their own perspectives to offer. However, a skilled and empathetic counsellor and guide, who is consistently doing her own inner growth work, will facilitate your reconnection with your inner intelligence and guidance to leave you strong, secure and satisfied deep within yourself.

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