Ambreen Ihsanullah

Ambreen Ihsanullah is the  name I was given at birth by my beloved parents. As my mother used to tell me, Ambreen means the "perfume of paradise." My father's name, Ihsanullah means a favour or blessing from God.


Nur is the spiritual name I was gifted by my teacher in the Sufi spiritual tradition. It means the Light of Divine Intelligence. As I actualize this soul vibration in my life, I understand it is my purpose to help you connect deeply with  your soul essence and the Infinite, so you may live your purposeful life with the real peace, happiness and love waiting within you.

Discover the Secret for Deepening Love and Connection in your Intimate Relationship.

Learn the secret for deepening the love in your intimate relationship, despite the demands of work, family and the everyday overwhelm. Have the love and deep connection you long for with your partner. It all starts with you!

Free Masterclass with PDF Tips

New Clients:

Kickstart Your Transformation

6 X's 2-hour sessions /$1,997 CAD + HST

Resolve an issue that’s keeping you stuck in any area of life, such as health, finances, career, or relationships. Let go of feelings of anxiety, sadness, anger, emptiness, and loneliness, and live a life filled with love, peace, and deep contentment.

*use this quickstart package within 6 weeks to get resolution to an urgent issue quickly.

Book a Consultation to Get Started

Illuminate Your Path in the Light of Summer

July 26-28 

Embrace the longest days of the year to shed light on the root of any life issue keeping you stuck and resolve it once and for all. This summer virtual retreat focuses on deepening your connection with your soul essence and the Infinite supported by the warmth of  likeminded community sharing  deep insights and creating nurturing bonds together.

Sign Up for Family Constellations Summer Now

Dive into the journey of transformation!

Reserve your 45-minute complimentary (FREE) introductory session now! Let's delve into your personal challenges, aspirations, and the vision for your future. Together, we'll pave the way to lasting results. Book your slot today and embark on a journey of growth and fulfillment!

Schedule Now!

Transformational Counselling for Individuals, Couples and Families

 Soul to Soul Counselling provides a safe haven to explore and connect with your soul oasis and all the resources and treasures waiting within you. Our Soul Sessions together will focus on healing and releasing the stuck emotions, limiting beliefs, traumas, family conflicts and ancestral entanglements which have kept you in pain for too long. Live in freedom, inner peace and real love from your authentic soul essence.

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Family Constellations

Family Constellations work is a soul-based approach to resolving life challenges in any area such as, relationships, work, finances or health. Focussed on healing inherited, generational traumas and breaking free from negative life patterns, this work empowers individual and collective healing. As you gain freedom from entanglements within your family lineage and resolve the life issues keeping you stuck, your ancestors are truly freed to rest in peace. Significantly, you open the way for your children and grandchildren who are released from carrying burdens which do not belong to them. This work allows for real evolution of our humanity, now and through the generations.

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About Nur Ambreen

Hello, I’m Nur, and it is my mission and purpose to help the families of today and tomorrow through my work with individuals, couples and families to guide and facilitate the inner work necessary to release invisible wounds, false identities, and self-repression and embody the truth of your soul, empowered by its connection to the Infinite.

Learn more about me

Client Experiences - Nourishing the Soul

Explore the transformative journey of individuals who have delved into the profound realm of self-discovery and soul connection through our counselling services. These testimonials reflect the impact of inner work on their lives, echoing the wisdom captured by Rumi: "The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires."

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